Basic Condition Monitoring of Water-based Metalworking Fluids

A typical metalworking fluid is a complex mixture of components and performance additives, carefully selected and blended to provide optimum performance in a given application. The metalworking fluid is therefore a vital part of the manufacturing process and maintaining the fluid in good order will return benefits in product performance, manufacturing quality and reduced waste disposal costs. Another aspect, often overlooked, is the impact the metalworking fluid can have on operator health. The HSE Good Practice Manual – Working Safely With Metalworking Fluids – provides extensive information on the known hazards to health caused by poor fluid management. A regular regime of simple tests and record keeping can form the basis of a good fluid management programme, in accordance with HSE recommendations. A typical regime suitable for most water-based fluids would include:

Parison plc offer the following guidelines to assist in the monitoring and management of typical water-based metalworking fluids including wash solutions. 

Monitoring accessories eg; refractometers, pH papers, microbial dipslides, Coolant Management Charts and further information can be obtained via your Parison Technical Representative.